Thursday, 17 March 2011

THE REAL S.L.A: march 16 , 2011

Collabrative performance with Alexis Milne, Charles Stanton-Jones and Noam Edry:
In the most recent null and void exhibition i performed and executed an arrest warrant of patty hearst . But was unfortunately infiltrated by the celebrity undercover agent mark kennedy resulting in the infiltrator being clensed and expelled from the roof.

In rise of recent protests and attempted militancy of protesters much could be learned from the recent but forgotten history of ultra left groups. Squewd morality is exposed not only within these groups but also within the authorities wishing to expose them. Sexual and idealogical interaction both enforces and destroys the bond within cells and elements that wish to create social change.Whether police or revolutionaries!

The chasm between the attempt to create a facade of power and strength totally contradicts their actual ability. Creating a sitution that forces inderviduals or groups to act without debate or any democratic process. Using decite and lies as there only way to achieve their goals resulting in acts of brutal violence. These processes are exactly mirrored by the state and goverment!

The Real S.L.A

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