Sunday, 22 January 2012

what rubbish......who is scared?..what is the point?..the point is people like this dont want to work for a living.they would rather go under the guise of art....the lazy fucking useless bastards

i think you cunts are just blagging on the back of stuff that has been done before.....and much better. You really dont have a place in the world.  And before yr moronic mind spews shyte.........i got here via other sources......and really didnt seek you out!. Now either grow up or die..your choice

If the law in this country or the terms of copyright of Youtube permits you to use my comments without my permission, then go ahead. Otherwise, NO!. Now fuck off and get a paper round or do some voluntary work.
"Yeah, I mean having effective and funny/cool leftist art as propaganda and social comment is nice, but it isn't actually *doing something*, which I think is a distinction often lost on people. And don't get me started on people who think filming injustice on their iPhone is more appropriate than fighting back. Everyone who stood around filming those kids get pepper sprayed in california is a fucking cunt. The phrase 'speak truth to power' is even more abhorrent than hippies saying 'up against the wall'. Dickheads."
Blockquote AP-S: Every activist of the group has his/her own philosophy. In the political aspect we, of course, sympathize with anarchists, socialists and in general with all left-wing radicals. But first of all we are artists – not politicians or philosophers. And using our artistic methods we destruct the outdated repressive-patriarchal symbols and ideologies.

Tuesday, 10 January 2012


3 p m

arcadia missa, Unit 6 Bellenden Road Business Centre SE15 4RF (Entrance on
Lyndhurst Way), London, United Kingdom

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

NO BANKS - ian bresolin

This is not merely a statement of action against capitalism, or a melodramatic call to arms; it an idea, a question I ask of our supposed western culture, I ask this question.
What is the foundation of our western/european culture systems; myth, magic or legend? What are these cornerstones for modern societies? The greatest myth of all is that our systems were either the first best example or better than any other; except perhaps in the mass use of violence towards all life. Our, modern western/european cultural systems were never the only path. Our systems are destroying us; self-destruction does seem a good path. But the greatest myth of all is that these systems cannot be changed or broken and rebuilt; most alarmingly that we are not already breaking.

Most of my statements are common knowledge. Many things will seem obvious I think. I will briefly demonstrate I hope, how will got into this mess and how we must change our belief systems. But immediately we must end the worship of wealth, of hoarding of things.

What makes a good society? What are the values of a good society? Certainly once you have put a price on some thing, a person, a plant, a piece of land, it, she or him or that, no longer have any value in a good society? They only have value in a bank. Do we believe in banks? Is banking a lifestyle?

Our beliefs have seduced us into the acceptance of modern banking. Ironically this belief system has nothing to do with good governance, humanity, and spirituality.
And has taken control of all governments and all religions, as good or bad as these systems were individually, they now do not matter. There is now only one culture the culture of wealth, of good (sic) banking. Banks enslave governments through debt, all prime minsters, presidents and dictators are really only bank managers at best, clerks at worst.

I propose that we reduce or eliminate the influence our banks have on our lives. That we change the way we are governed and that maybe we introduce another way of looking at the world. But most urgently stop the banks now. I suggest passive aggressive resistance in the short term, we shall see. Stop buying things!!!!
We have all heard the term supply and demand. No demand - No supply.

A solution to the dilemma of economic exploitation and self destruction is simple. No banks. Recognising the electronic banking system is now completely intrusive in our modern life, I accept this is not easily possible. But is possible. The simplest means is cash. Avoid any financial transaction from which a bank will profit. Keep savings in
small savings societies. Don’t borrow. Destroy debit and cedit cards. Question the so called ethics of your bank , ask them about tax avoidance, ask them about their salaries.
Take your money out of the bank! Don’t buy things. And again Stop hoarding.

Another path?

This is not only about stopping banks. It’s about changing our perspective our values.

I will also offer people an alternate example, another path, which puts respect for all life and awareness before wealth, or hoarding of things. But first we must debunk the legend of our politically systems, the limitations of religion and the modern myth of banking.

We must realise there is another path. As an example to be added within the week, a will demonstrate that confederacy of the North American Iroqouis Nation predates European democracy, ruled by consensus, not political parties while fully representing individual cultures within the confederacy, its’ religion mainstay was respect, for a things; rock or man, water of woman, animal or sky and had no room for hoarding, they did not believed in gathering and collecting of things, to take for the sake of taking was disrespectful to them and this belief system was similar to their northern rivals the Algonquin who best expressed this concept of respect for all in Manitou; all things alive or still have a spirit a shared connections with all else. Something modern science and physics are now proving to be true, at the basic level all elements are shared.

In it’s simplest form capitalism is hoarding. It is men and women competing to have the biggest pile of pebbles. The pile of pebbles only have a cost if we allow these men and women to tell us these pebbles have a price, be once this has been allowed then they have no value in real life.

Legend, Magic or Myth? – (the cost of living)
I would go so far as to suggest the legend of modern democracy is false, that the foundation of modern democracy was from ancient Greece as described in Plato’s republic and most subversively that we are taught this was a good model although at the time it was democracy for the rich only. In Greek tradition there is the belief that those in power are allowed to deceive their support for the benefit of the state, a belief that once in power you are somehow an elite to those who put you there and that you are only truly beholding to your accepted peers. Things only matter if it is on their agenda. You see this belief carried forward in our governments and boardrooms around the world. And we accept this most of time.

The magic is the stories related by the three modern religions of Christianity, Islam and Judaism, that they are the only models for the modern world and the best models. When all three beliefs remain at least in competition with each other and at worst at war so that the integrity of all three are undermined, instead of creating a better world they are all hierarchical, rich over poor, in America that Christian stronghold, we here the term, the 1%, those who have 98% of American wealth, where in Pakistan, predominately Muslim the rich pay no taxes at all. And for any religion to believe it is exclusive of another or to support that dominion of the stronger over the weaker within it’s own ranks is false. Although I will allow there are noble words in all their scriptures. Indeed in the Quran, there is a statement which roughly translated, “If I eat when my neighbour goes hungry I am a sinner” If the world only lived by this! I only challenge that any man or women has the right of dominion by religion.

The myth, banks, we need them? As long as there has be money there has been money lenders yes, but modern banks were only evolved a few centuries ago and yes in truth they were initially superior to elite royal families controlling all the states wealth, they were in truth only created to make the rich richer and to finance the exploitation of the militarily weaker cultures by the western Europeans as the marauded around the globe. Along the way they realised they could get some extra money to play with if they offered a domestic service to some of the middle merchants and growing middle classes, retail banking, and convinced us that they were doing it for us and not their themselves. The poor and the middle glasses don’t really benefit from banks at all and are completely subject to the whims of banks; banks businesses who only really want to take your money from you.

I think that we have seduced are selves through our modern political systems and religious beliefs, we have allowed, accepted, the values of inherent elitism in these systems, have accepted the pursuit of betterment, of more, of the lust for wealth, to hoard. We created banks and now our systems and beliefs have no value only a cost.

What is the cost of living?

There is no democracy - Government is determined by cash flow.
Religion offers no resistance – churches sell their services.
Banks rule the world!

There is an alternative!!! No banks!!!